7 Funny T-Shirts You Can Flaunt During Pregnancy In

News of pregnancy accompanies a lot of joy, laughter, panic, anxiety, uncertainty, and so on. Just like a baby scan clinic can help you resolve your worries, we are here to help you enjoy your pregnancy and flaunt your bump with the help of these 7 funny t-shirts only for you.

Hands off the bump

You know those people who always want to keep touching your baby bump. It gets irritating after some point, doesn’t it? Of course, except for your partner. Don this t-shirt to warn off those people.

Next mood swing in 5 minutes

The first trimester is all about getting nauseous and having mood swings. Some women have so much mood swings that it feels like they always in a bad mood or crying over silly things. Well for those pregnant women out there this t-shirt is for you.

Can I get the WiFi password in here

Kids these days!!! It feels like they know how to play Youtube videos before they know how to talk (true story). Well if you are willing to do the same for your baby go ahead, but do at your own risk. But either way, it’s a great t-shirt for you.

This is my last one seriously

Having your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th kid? If it’s your 3rd or 4th it should be your last one anyway. Seriously! But this shirt is also a humorous way to announce your pregnancy to everyone. Also, it’s black. Who doesn’t like anything black?

I just wanted a back rub

Getting a back rub during pregnancy can feel like heaven. Especially when your back is suffering from extreme back pain. Wear this shirt and your partner will be more mindful of it. You can get in a foot rub too while you are at it.

Replacing margaritas with tacos for two

Feels like you are hungry all the time. Well, don’t feel guilty about it. After all, you are going to give up drinking for the next nine months. So, you can compensate for that with more food. Wear this shirt when you are hanging out with your friends.

Due on October

Did you just go to the baby scan clinic and found out the due date? It gets irritating after some point when every person you meet asks the same question, “When is your due date?”. Wear this shirt and no one will ask again.


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