3 Types Of Complication A Fetus Might Face During Pregnancy

For everything good that happens in our life which brings us joy, we should also be prepared for the worst to happen. Same goes with pregnancy. There are always some complications that might occur with the baby or the mother. This is the reason timely visits to ultrasound baby scan clinic is always essential. A fetal health scan can easily detect if there is any problem with the fetus. In this blog, we have talked about the three different types of complications a fetus might have during pregnancy.

Fetal Growth Disorders

Fetal growth disorder can be in two ways. Either your baby is too small or your baby’s size is bigger than normal. Your ultrasound baby scan clinic in Leicester will help you detect it beforehand during a fetal health check-up. But if your baby’s size is big, it could be due to diabetes, excessive maternal weight gain, etc. These complications can lead to problems during delivery. There is not much to do once the baby is born. So, it is best to eat a healthy diet and control your diabetes as much as possible. 

On the other hand, if your baby’s size is small, it can occur due to hypertension, genetic problems, complications with placenta, lack of oxygen, and problems with mother like kidney, lungs, and cardiovascular diseases. These babies once detected with the problem during fetal health scan will be needed to keep under close observation. There is a risk of stillbirth with these problems. With the help of ultrasound baby scan clinic, you will be able to find the perfect time to deliver the baby. Eating healthy and plenty of rest is the only way to prevent this complication.

Genetic Conditions

When a person’s gene changes, it is known as genetic conditions. Even though it is a condition that occurs in adults, it can be found in unborn babies too. They are passed on through generations in a family. Other times, it can happen by chance during a woman’s first pregnancy. If the mother is over the age of 35, it can increase the chances of genetic conditions in a fetus.  An ultrasound scan will be able to detect easily if there is a genetic condition in the fetus. Sometimes, genetic testing s done to review the further problem. Treatment procedures will follow accordingly. 

Fetal Anomalies

The third kind of complication is a fetal anomaly. It is the structural birth defect in a baby which can be easily detected in an ultrasound scan during fetal health scan check-up. Some of these anomalies can be severe but others can be quite mild. These anomalies include heart defects, brain abnormalities, dwarfism, etc. Depending on the degree of the problem, it is treated accordingly. Genetic counselling, genetic testing, maternal-fetal medicine physician consultation, etc. are done to manage the pregnancy and if possible then treatment. 

So, know these problems beforehand and be prepared during your visit to the ultrasound baby scan clinic in Leicester.


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